“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicket: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
2 Corinthians 11:14

When I graduated from high school, there was all kinds of talk about “open doors.” Many were “open doors of opportunity.” Lots of people told my graduating class about how “God has opened these doors for you.” What they said was somewhat true, but not all of it. Not every open door of opportunity is of God, friend, no matter how good the opportunity is.
An Open Door: Graduate School
When I was about to graduate college, I was given two offers from my professors. Two different ones wanted me as a graduate assistant. What did that mean for me? My graduate studies would be paid for, and I would actually be paid to be a teacher’s assistant. I was flattered. More than anything, it’s what I really wanted. I prayed about it many, many times, but God kept telling me ‘no.’ I kept writing it off that He wouldn’t open those doors if they were not meant for me. What’s even funnier was when I prayed, I kept trying to justify to God why I should be allowed to take this opportunity. He knows my heart, and He knows my desires. I wanted to further my education and have a master’s degree.
Following Your Heart…
Ironically, even though that’s what my heart desired, I couldn’t follow my heart. In Jeremiah 17:9, the Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” My heart is wicked, and it doesn’t know what’s best for me. My heart will always want and want, but it can’t be trusted. One night at the alter, I finally let go of what I wanted. I told God that the decision was His. I was on Earth to glorify Him and not myself. So, if having a master’s wasn’t His plan for me, then I had to trust that He had something greater in store.
Many people called me crazy because they didn’t understand. To them, it’s like God wasn’t talking to me in an audible voice. So doing the program wasn’t such a bad thing, right? They couldn’t be more wrong, friend. I promise, He basically did speak to me in an audible voice through many men of God. I kept bringing this burden to Him and asking for an answer. Then, I would hear different preachers give me my answer. It was always different sermons, but it was the same response. I remember one sermon was about emptying ourselves of our hopes, dreams, and what we want so we can be filled with Him. In another sermon, I remember a preacher saying, “God gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him.” You can think what you want, but I knew God was speaking to me through these men.
Satan Opens Doors As Well
Therefore, it was an open door of opportunity, but it was a reminder that not every door is opened by God. The devil also has doors of opportunity for us. He also does a great job making those doors look like the right option. He makes them seem logical, and it’s just what we’ve always wanted. His offers are always inviting and enticing… But beware! In 2 Corinthians 11: 14, it says “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Satan can make it seem like it’s the right path for even a saint of God to take. To be honest, he was very, very close to fooling me. I was a breath away from the wrong decision. Yet, praise be to God that His preachers were used to stop me in my tracks!
He Knows Best
If you find yourself at a crossroads, I encourage you to pray and deeply search through God’s Word or listen to some spirit filled preaching. If you have walked through the wrong door of opportunity, don’t be discouraged. There are many doors that I have stepped through that I wish I could take back… but God’s grace is sufficient! He can restore you and put you back on course. When you’re standing at the next open door, always remember: He gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him.
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