Why the name “Mom Headquarters?” As moms, our “headquarters” happen to be where we live with our families. We are the heart and soul inside our homes. We have the power to make it a place of peace or a place of conflict and strife. No matter what type of dwelling it might be, it is still a central home base for you, your spouse, and your children. Therefore, I’m here to encourage you to make it a place of peace and comfort!

How can you help make your home more peaceful and comfortable? Lots and lots of planning, my friend! I try to anticipate what my families’ needs are, and I try to make accommodations ahead of time. That includes meal prepping, laying out clothes, picking out shoes, preparing snacks ahead of time, and having bags packed the night before.

This is not to say that you should do it all and do it all alone. No way. My spouse also helps me prepare these things. We are in a partnership, after all 🙂

My own headquarters are more serene when I consider my own needs and make time for myself. It has taken me two years to learn this, but I’m getting better. Sometimes that’s just having two hours of quiet time. Sometimes, that’s going to do a grocery pickup by myself without “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round” blaring through my speakers.

My point is, I made Mom Headquarters to be a safe place for all women and, especially, mothers. I want us to be able to share pieces of ourselves with one another as a way to help other moms who are in the thick trenches of motherhood with the rest of us! No matter your reason for being here, I hope you can find some encouragement from me. All I desire to do is uplift other women, encourage them to love their husbands, raise their children, cook some yummy food, get help with breastfeeding, and find a love for God that is never ending.

Again, I hope while you’re here, you find what you’re looking for 🙂

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