My husband’s insurance company always has us do a health screening once a year. This year, the screening revealed that his triglycerides were a little high, and that freaked him out. Anyway, he started asking me to make more fish. I already had my standard fish fry and a fish bake recipe, but I wanted to try something new. So I thought, “what better time to try out an air fryer Parmesan Crusted Codfish recipe?”

Truth be told, we love our parmesan crusted chicken so much that I thought this would be a good spin off of that. I had read how most people cooked their fish in an air fryer, so I thought I might try the same.

Let’s Fry Some Codfish!

How do we start this parmesan crusted codfish recipe?

I know most people usually put the egg mixture on the fish first and then bread it with flour. I wanted to try something a little different. Instead, the fish is already slightly wet unless it is patted dry, right? So why not rub flour on the wet fish first? That’s what I did. Next, I rolled it in the egg mixture, and then I put it into the breadcrumb, Ranch seasoning, and parmesan dry mixture. Make sure you coat the fish generously!

Before putting the fish in the air fryer, make sure you spray it with a non-stick spray. Do not lightly spray it either. When the crust sticks to the frier, it’ll fall off the fish. Still worth eating, but it’s not as pretty!

Next, start putting the fish in the frier basket. I don’t usually let the fish touch so that the crusts don’t stick together. If the fish fillets are somewhat large, I usually cut them in half to make sure they cook completely through.

Put the air frier temperature on 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes (depends on the size of the fish). Make sure you flip them halfway through. I recommend using a fork to scrape the crust free on the bottom before you attempt the flip. Otherwise, the crust will fall off.

After it finishes cooking, the crust should be a golden color and taste delicious!

Side Dish Ideas?

Pair this main dish with a side salad and potatoes (mashed, grilled, or baked), or pair it with a pasta salad side dish and some green beans or broccoli. You could also do the typical fish sides such as hush puppies, cold slaw, and French fries! I chose to do onion rings and a salad, and I thought it was a delicious pairing. It’s versatile enough to eat with most sides, which is a big win in my book!

For more recipe ideas, click here.

If you would like to watch me cook, follow me on Instagram or stay connected with me on Facebook!

Parmesan Crusted Codfish

Use your Air Fryer to make some parmesan crusted codfish for a quick meal and easy cleanup!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 3 people


  • 4 tbsp Flour
  • 1 Lg Egg
  • 1-2 tbsp Milk This is just an estimate
  • 1 dash Seasoning Salt
  • 4 tbsp Breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 tsp Ranch seasoning This is just an estimate.
  • 2 Lg Codfish Fillets I cut mine in half.
  • 1 Cooking Spray


  • First, follow the thawing instructions on the back. Put the fillets in separate bags and lay in cold water for 15 minutes.
  • While fish thaws, prepare the mixtures. In one bowl, put the flour. In the second bowl, add the egg, milk, and seasoning salt. Mix until well combined. In the last bowl, add the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, and Ranch seasoning. Stir until well combined.
  • Take the air fryer basket and spray with a non-stick cooking spray. Coat the basket well.
  • Once fish thaws, wash the fillets. If they are large, cut them in half. Take the half fillet and roll in the flour until well coated. Then dip it in the egg mixture completely until covered. Then put in the breadcrumb mixture. Roll it around and pat until it is covered, and then place it in the air fryer and repeat.
  • Turn on air fryer to 400 degrees, and let the fish fry for 15-20 minutes (depends on the size of the fillets). Use a fork to break the crust free from the frying basket halfway through, and flip the fish for the remainder of the cook time.
  • Serve right away. Enjoy!


If you do not have an air fryer, you can use a cast iron skillet or a copper skillet with canola/vegetable oil. Make sure you let the oil get hot before you start putting fish in it, or the crust will come off. 
Don’t have Ranch seasoning? Try Old Bay! My family aren’t fans of it, but it’s terrific on fish.
Keyword air fryer recipe, Codfish recipe, Dinner Recipes, Fish recipes, Parmesan Crusted Codfish