Scripture: John 10:27; Romans 8:27

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…”

John 10:27 KJV

“And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”

Romans 8:27 KJV

What if you pray and your prayer hasn’t been answered? If you’re like me, you start to wonder: is God really hearing me? Am I praying right? What does praying correctly even look or sound like? Am I really communing with God? Friend, there isn’t a ‘wrong’ way to pray, contrary to other opinions. Prayer is just you crying out to God, but that looks different for everyone.

Some people might be in the Lord’s house, and they choose to cry out to God at the alter in prayer. For others, like myself, you might be on your way to get groceries, and you happen to hear a song playing in the car that stirs the spirit up within you. Soon, you find yourself just praying and crying out to God in your heart while you’re driving. I never close my eyes, but with tears, I just simply commune with God where I’m at.

              The wonderful thing about God is this: He knows everything about me, and He knows what’s in my heart. He sees what I’m praying for even if I don’t say it out loud. He sees what is troubling me, and He knows what I need. The problem is, communing with God doesn’t always happen. Why? What’s the problem? I am.

              More and more often, I find myself being so busy that I don’t make time for God. I don’t even make time for prayer much less read the Word. That’s my own doing though. God has never left my side, but I have left His. What I love most is this: sometimes communing with God is as simple as me thinking upon Him and His mercies while I cook dinner. It’s me thanking Him for the blessings that He gives me every day. Sometimes, it’s as simple as me talking to Him while I rock my babies to sleep and pray over them.

What Does Communing with God Look Like?

              Communing with God looks different for everyone. I’m glad that He’s not a God that puts demands on me and tries to make me perform a certain way. I already know that I cannot meet his demands, and that’s why I need His blood to cover me. Man puts demands on me and tells me if I don’t pray everyday, I must not be saved. If I don’t do this, then I cannot be saved. On the contrary, that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

              Don’t get me wrong; I’m glad when God moves during the church service and calls me to the alter. I’m thankful that I can always bow before Him and pray, and I’m thankful for all the other saints that pray with me and for me. On the other hand, I also love being able to feel His spirit on me while I’m vacuuming the house and listening to worship music or preaching. I say all this to say: I’m glad that God allows me to commune with Him and feel his presence in the every day circumstances and not just in certain places at certain times.

              In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…” Following Jesus and listening for His voice, that brings me into communion with Him. What a good Shepherd we have!

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